
We have moved!

We look forward to welcoming you to our new space as of December 2, 2024, when all in-person appointments and groups will be held at:

Suite 1900 - 736 6 Ave SW

for trans feminine folks

This group is a space for trans feminine folks to find community and connection and together build capacity to truly embrace, love, and be kind to both ourselves and as a community.

• In person (at Skipping Stone office)
First & Third Thursday of the month | 6:15-8:15pm

• Online (via Zoom)
Second Thursday of the month | 6:15-8:15pm
Links here

for all trans folks

This space is all about community. It’s a casual and open format group that is all about creating individuals to share and just be themselves however that feels best.

• In person (at Skipping Stone office)
Fourth Friday of the month | 6:15-8:15pm

• Online (via Zoom)
Second Friday of the month | 6:15-8:15pm
Links here

for folks beyond the binary

This group hold room for non-binary, genderqueer, genderfluid & all folks to share with community beyond the binary and is about helping us understand how we want to grow, and how we can live authentically.

• In person (at Skipping Stone office)
Fourth Tuesday of the month | 6:15-8:15pm

• Online (via Zoom)
Second Tuesday of the month | 6:15-8:15pm
Links here

for trans masculine folks

This group is all about creating space for trans masculine folks to connect around finding & celebrating positive and healthy expressions of masculinity through exploring topics like self-compassion and relationships.

• In person (at Skipping Stone office)
Third Tuesday of the month | 6:15-8:15pm

• Online (via Zoom)
First Tuesday of the month | 6:15-8:15pm
Links here

for trans feminine folks over 40

This is a wonderful, caring place for trans feminine folks who are over 40 to find community and connections with others with shared lived experiences at the intersection of gender and age.

• Online only (via Zoom)
Second & Fourth Wednesday of the month | 6:15-8:15pm

Links here

for parents & caregivers

This space is for families, parents, and caregivers of trans and gender diverse children, youth and teens. It full of sharing and caring around the challenges, questions, successes and joy that come from affirming parenting and raising a trans or gender diverse child.

• In person (at Skipping Stone office)
Second Thursday of the month | 6:15-8:15pm

• Online (via Zoom)
Fourth Thursday of the month | 6:15-8:15pm
Links here

for adults, youth & teens

This is a casual meet-up space for queer, trans and ally youth and adults, and their friends and family (pretty much everyone!) to connect through creativity. Work on a facilitator lead project or work on your own projects in the space together. Art supplies provided.

• For Adults
In person at Skipping Stone | First Friday of the Month | 6:15-8:15pm

• For Youth & Teens (ages 13-18)
In person at Skipping Stone | Third Wednesday of the Month | 6:15-8:15pm


This group focuses around holding space to explore, share and celebrate the unique intersection of gender and neuro divergence in our communities.

• Online (via Zoom)
Third Monday of the month | 6:15-8:15pm
Links here

Other Groups

Top Surgery Support for trans masculine & non-binary folks is for everyone 16 and over who are considering having or planning to have chest reduction, reconstruction, or mastectomy type surgeries.

Through affirmative peer-to-peer support, this meeting provides a space to discuss surgery options, surgical processes and healing, navigating health care systems, community resources, and mental health. We aim to fill the gap for support during difficult wait times and to help participants create a lasting support network.

Please note that this program currently has a two-to-seven month waitlist. If you’re interested in this group, you can find more info on its registration page.

We offer DBT Skills Groups for trans and gender diverse adults (18+). We teach new skills, review previous skills, and provide opportunities to practice coping strategies to deal with the demands of everyday life.

The 10-week triannual program is aligned with dialectical, cognitive behavioural, and mindfulness-based models and focuses on problem-solving and acceptance-based strategies.

If you’re interested in this group, you can find more info on its registration page.

Wondering when your group meets next? 

Check out our calendar for all our upcoming events.

Looking for Zoom links or passwords?

Complete this form to access the information for all our groups.

If you’re comfortable sharing any information, please do.
It helps us continue to offer the best quality groups we can.

If you aren’t comfortable sharing information, that’s absolutely alright.
Simply enter the group you want to attend and click submit with all the fields unfilled and you can still get access just as easily.

Group Guidelines

1. We practice RESPECT.
Respect for each other. Each of our lived experiences and perspectives is different.
Respect for what is shared. We recognize that if something is being shared or discussed, it has intrinsic value. While it might not apply or feel important to us, we acknowledge the value it has to others.
Respect for ourselves. We honour ourselves by regularly checking in on where we are at, what our needs are and we take actions to ensure they are met, including taking breaks, eating, drinking and self-soothing as needed.

2. We PARTICIPATE however feels good to us.
• This might look like sharing and discussing out loud or in the chat and messages.
• It might look like actively listening and reflecting on the conversation around us.
• Equally as important we can not participate or pass if it makes us feel uncomfortable. This could include keeping your camera off, staying muted, or taking a break from the group as needed.

3. We ensure PRIVACY.
How we show up and what we share in group may not be how we meet the rest of the world and what we want shared with everyone in our lives. This is why we do not share information about other participants or what they share outside of group.
• If we run into other group members outside of group, we take extra care not to share that we know them from group and not to assume that the name or pronouns they use in groups are those that they use in other parts of their lives.

• When we share, we ensure we use ‘I’ statements instead of ‘we’. We are all only experts in our own lived experience and can only speak for ourselves.
• We avoid oppressive and harmful language. This includes language that is homophobic, transphobic, racist and ableist among others.
• We use content warnings before sharing or discussing material that might be triggering to others to allow them the opportunity to pass on participating in that part of the conversation.

5. We agree to a SOBER SPACE.
• We agree that group spaces are sober spaces and that consumption of alcohol or drugs does not occur during group.
• We agree should individuals choose to smoke or vape during group that we will turn off our cameras to do so and not intentionally make reference to it.

6. We work together to GROW.
• We all agree to take accountability for our actions and learning.
• Should a group member use harmful language, omit trigger warnings or not follow any of the other guidelines, we use it as an opportunity to help grow as a group and as individuals by addressing it with them, explaining it and, if possible, offering solutions or alternatives.
• We help each other to grow using kind but firm language. We recognize that we are all in different places in our journeys and we meet people where they are at.

Using Zoom

1. Download the ‘Zoom’ App from the App Store if you are on a phone or create your account and then download the ‘Zoom’ client here if you are on a computer.

2. Check out the groups we are offering and when they are scheduled for on our Calendar. When you find a group you would like to attend, you can get the link and password here.

3. When it is time for group, click on the link associated with your group. It’s always in the same place you used to find the group in Step 2. This will open the ‘Zoom’ App and you will be asked to put in your password.

4. You will be asked to select your video and audio settings. In most cases, the default options are the best settings. If they are not working, you can find troubleshooting tips here.

5. That is it!
You will be put into a waiting room until the group is about to start. When it starts, you will be accepted into the meeting where everyone is automatically muted at first.

6. Once you are in, open the Text Chat by clicking on the button at the bottom of your screen. This should open a side tab for the chat. This is essential because the text chat plays a large role in facilitating the group.


1. What do I do if I want to speak? Please first press the ‘raise your hand’ button in the text chat and the facilitator will unmute you and invite you to share.

2. What if I am feeling uncomfortable?
If there are comments or subject matter that come up that make you uncomfortable and you don’t feel comfortable, please ‘private message’ the group facilitator and they will address it.

3. What if I am really struggling?
If the group has brought up some challenging emotions and you need one-on-one help to process and regulate them, please ‘private message’ the group facilitator and they will connect you with a counsellor.

4. What if I am ready to leave?
When you are ready to leave the group, simply press the ‘leave the meeting’ at the bottom of your screen. You can always go through the same login process again to return to the group if you would like.